The East Coast Family Festival

Urban Wave is not like other Christian conferences, festivals, or summer camps. Over the past 10 years, the Ignite Team have sought to provide an affordable, inclusive space for families of all backgrounds, to gather together and have a ‘mountain-top’ moment with God whilst acknowledging our much-neglected need for rest, gentle rhythms, community, and all-ages silly-business.

At Urban Wave we’ve sought to develop a steady schedule of evening sessions and morning devotions with both seasoned and emerging speakers & leaders, a selection of optional free activities for the whole family, and plenty of free time to gather or explore the local area. We’d love you to join us.

Urban Wave Family Festival 2024 – meet together, pray together, play together. Where God speaks and friends become family.







Each morning we have a short Bible Study, like a thought for the day type thing. This year Beki and Mike Nicholls will be taking a lead on this meetings.


During our main evening sessions Phil & Stacy Gibb, from Elim Mablethorpe, and some other team members will be running some kids work again this year.


For the most part, during the day we hang out on the beach or visit the local shops. There are so many activities at great prices in Mablethorpe that you’ll not run out of ideas. However, we try to host several extra activities including pool, darts and sandcastle building competition and much more. These are hosted by team from Lincoln and Mablethorpe, led by Darren & Laura Edwards. Danny Oates has been leading our worship team for a long time at Urban Wave and continues with this ministry.


Our host team are joined in the evening sessions, by Ryan Ireland, April O’Sullivan and Shaneen Clarke, as we seek an encounter with Jesus together. Evenings are full of sung worship, prophetic encounters and times of prayer as a community.