Featured messages



Ignite Church have lots of real special friends who have done amazing things and have an amazing life message. Here you can find a collection of the messages that they’ve brought to us over the years.

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Need short messages to inspire you during breaks at work? These short teachings will challenge, equip and inspire you in a world where we’re always on the go.

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For free teaching and equipping in all things leadership, follow the link. Ps. Darren and the team give teaching from experience in lots of different areas.

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Watch talks from our Senior Leader, Rev. Darren Edwards. You can catch up on featured talks and watch his different series.

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Laura has been studying Psychology whilst leading Ignite Church with Darren since 2013. From time to time she preaches for us too. You can catch her talks here.

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April joined our team as an intern in October 2020, and has since progressed to become a Trainee Pastor at Ignite Church and is pursuing her career in the Elim Pentecostal Church. 

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Begin by promoting the plan to start a new Elim Church in the community. This might look like delivering flyers, letters, or engaging in social action projects. You may find a person of peace who is for your vision and will introduce you to their network.





Begin to meet together regularly in order to discuss our launch plan and strategy to reaching the community. The plan being to reach the unchurched, the Gospel will need to be shared and responded to during this time too. Some times of prayer are required during this time too.




This is a process of getting a venue, testing your kit, and running through our attractive service. We can worship together during this time whilst also working out the kinks in our setup. We also look to connect with local authorities and other Churches & charities.




We launch with several outreach events and a Sunday evening service. Once we have a setup team in place we can move to a Sunday morning service which may be streamed in via Youtube live until we have a Pastor in place. In the meantime the Church joins in live from homes.



We’re blessed to have a great team at Ignite Church, and Harry has been serving and preaching faithfully here since 2018. You watch your favourite talks here.

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